Monday, 11 May 2020

Remote access needs strategic planning right now

The future of remote work has arrived. With the work-at-home mandates triggered by Covid-19 quarantines, businesses have adapted on-the-fly to create remote-networking environments that maintain corporate security. Largely, they have done so by expanding traditional remote access solutions including VPN infrastructure and services, virtual desktop infrastructure, secure Wi-Fi access points and even SD-WAN for home use.

These traditional VPN-based solutions can have some significant disadvantages, including poor performance, security vulnerabilities and are not necessarily easy to use. So with the likelihood that work-at-home will become a permanent circumstance, IT departments need to look for a better long-term answer.

Over the next two to four years, enterprises have the opportunity to strategically plan for a converged architecture that addresses both networking and security: the secure access service edge or SASE (computer science major jobs).

SASE combines WAN capabilities with security, and delivers them via services based on identity, time, context, compliance with enterprise policies and risk assessment, according to Gartner, which created the term. Technology suppliers are moving rapidly to extending their network and security solutions from the data center and branch office to the remote office, and this could fit the SASE model.

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