Thursday, 31 December 2020

New ways to protect the qubits from environmental noise

  Oliver is constantly fighting decoherence, seeking new ways to protect the qubits from environmental noise. His research mission is to iron out these technological kinks that could enable the fabrication of reliable superconducting quantum computers. “I like to do fundamental research, but I like to do it in a way that’s practical and scalable,” Oliver says. “Quantum engineering bridges quantum science and conventional engineering. Both science and engineering will be required to make quantum computing a reality.”

Another solution to the challenge of manipulating qubits while protecting them against decoherence is a trapped ion quantum computer, which uses individual atoms — and their natural quantum mechanical behavior — as qubits. Atoms make for simpler qubits than supercooled circuits, according to Chiaverini. “Luckily, I don’t have to engineer the qubits themselves,” he says. “Nature gives me these really nice what is computer engineering. But the key is engineering the system and getting ahold of those things.”

Chiaverini’s qubits are charged ions, rather than neutral atoms, because they’re easier to contain and localize. He uses lasers to control the ion’s quantum behavior. “We’re manipulating the state of an electron. We’re promoting one of the electrons in the atom to a higher energy level or a lower energy level,” he says.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

SD-WAN and are offering a full-stack networking solution for wired

 We’ve taken SD-WAN and are offering a full-stack networking solution for wired, wireless, and security that’s available today. Integrated SD-WAN features within Aruba Central further simplify network operations with end-to-end management, visibility and troubleshooting of LAN, WLAN, and SD-WAN from a single-pane-of-glass. Orchestrated SaaS and cloud connectivity (AWS, Azure), unified role-based policy for LAN access and WAN routing, and SaaS acceleration for high priority applications are all built-in.

Aruba Central also offers zero-touch deployment of all networking infrastructure, and policies are centrally defined and enforced across all branch sites. Changes are automatically pushed out across multiple branch locations, resulting in consistent user experience and access privileges at each branch, and as they move from on branch location to another.

As you can see from the IDC report, the market is moving to SD-Branch as a natural evolution. It’s hard to ignore the simplicity, savings, and security required for large distributed enterprise networks in the modern cloud, mobile and what does a computer engineer do era.  I think the overall message is to not deploy another siloed solution that only addresses part of your requirements for today and the future.

Monday, 28 December 2020

computer electronics approach the atomic level

 classical computers have improved at breakneck speed. Today you can buy a wristwatch with more computing power than the state-of-the-art, room-sized computer from half a century ago. These advances have typically come through electrical engineers’ ability to fashion ever smaller transistors and circuits, and to pack them ever closer together.

But that downsizing will eventually hit a physical limit — as computer electronics approach the atomic level, it will become impossible to control individual components without impacting neighboring ones. Classical computers cannot keep improving indefinitely using conventional scaling.

Quantum computing, an idea spawned in the computer engineering careers, could one day carry the baton into a new era of powerful high-speed computing. The method uses quantum mechanical phenomena to run complex calculations not feasible for classical computers. In theory, quantum computing could solve problems in minutes that would take classical computers millennia. Already, Google has demonstrated quantum computer engineering careers ability to outperform the world’s best supercomputer for certain tasks.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Automated monitoring solutions would alert a company

 Automated monitoring solutions would alert a company when information is being sent out from its systems to an unknown location and when data is being sent back, Mahoney said. “If they’re not even doing that at a minimum, that’s scary. That’s really scary,” he said. “And obviously they’re not, because none of them caught it.”There also appears to have been a striking lack of DNS protection that should have blocked the hackers from gaining deeper access after the initial malware communicated back to their server, Mahoney said.

“If any one of these customers had had a really good DNS security system in place, all of this command and control stuff--that allowed the second stage of this attack to occur, where they were actually able to get to a terminal session--never would have occurred,” he said. An estimated 18,000 organizations have been hit with malware via SolarWinds. Those include FireEye—which first disclosed the breach on Dec. 13—as well as Microsoft, Cisco Systems and VMware. The attack has also led to breaches at U.S. government agencies including the Treasury and Commerce Departments as well as the Departments of Defense, State, Energy and Homeland Security.

Still, spotting sophisticated cyber attacks is about more than just having the right tools, Mahoney said. And in many cases, companies already have plenty of cybersecurity solutions--they’re just not being used correctly, he said. “I think that people are investing in tools. I think that they’re not investing in a well thought out computer science or computer engineering strategy--which actually needs to be used and implemented, in order to put those tools in place to do what they need to do,” he said. “People are making investments. They’re spending money. But I can go buy all the wrenches in the world, to fit every possible task--and if I don’t use those wrenches properly, it’s never going to matter. And I think that’s the situation that we’re in.”

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Engaging experience and opportunity to connect with experts

 "We hoped that these 'Meet the Engineer' videos would continue to provide students with an engaging experience and opportunity to connect with experts that would inspire their thinking about STEM and ideas for student-driven projects," Buggs said.

A group of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering students who had previously volunteered with SABES were enthusiastic about the idea.

"The main goal in creating these videos was to introduce myself to the kids, despite not being able to interact with them in person," said Arlene Chiu, an ECE graduate student. "It was also a chance to teach the kids about the engineering process, which is something they learn as a part of the SABES curriculum, and show them that the engineering process is actually used in real life."

Chiu is a member of Associate Professor Susanna Thon's NanoEnergy Laboratory. Her fellow ECE labmates—graduate students Sreyas Chintapalli and Lulin Li, as well as fourth-year undergraduate Eric Rong—joined Chiu in creating videos. Matt difference between computer science and computer engineering, a member of the Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Biology PhD Program, also made one.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Critical that we step back and assess the significance

 It’s critical that we step back and assess the significance of these attacks in their full context. This is not “espionage as usual,” even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world. In effect, this is not just an attack on specific targets, but on the trust and reliability of the world’s critical infrastructure in order to advance one nation’s intelligence agency. While the most recent attack appears to reflect a particular focus on the United States and many other democracies, it also provides a powerful reminder that people in virtually every country are at risk and need protection irrespective of the governments they live under.

As we have now seen repeatedly, Silicon Valley is not the only home of ingenious software developers. Russian engineers in 2016 identified weaknesses in password protection and social media platforms, hacked their way into American political campaigns, and used disinformation to sow divisions among the electorate. They repeated the exercise in the 2017 French presidential campaign. As tracked by Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center and Digital Crimes Unit, these techniques have impacted victims in more than 70 countries, including most of the world’s democracies. The most recent attack reflects an unfortunate but similarly ingenious capability to identify weaknesses in computer science average salary protection and exploit them.

Monday, 21 December 2020

The SD-WAN component within SASE architectures

 Part of the SD-WAN component within SASE architectures includes remote device activation (often called "zero-touch provisioning"), an innovation that allows network managers to order, ship and activate a network device from anywhere in the world without having to find a certified specialist for on-site setup. This presents an enormous benefit to networking teams. Today, when a forklift or conveyor belt stops working because of a network outage, manual service creates slow mean-time-to-resolution, which negatively impacts the business. With remote activation and provisioning, all that's needed is an on-location employee - technically savvy or not - to receive the device, plug it into the IT closet, and lock the door. This is a marked improvement in terms of both cost and speed versus legacy provisioning models.

Trust is an important factor here. The network manager ordering the device online must trust that the transaction itself was secure. In addition, the product must be trusted to have secure design and coding, that it's assembled without manipulation, honest about its origins, shipped from the factory without interception, and stored software engineering vs computer science in customs facilities across the world without issue. While many network managers are concerned with speed and reliability (many require same-day shipment and replacement), to assume these processes operate with integrity puts the networked organization and all partners in the ecosystem at risk.

Friday, 18 December 2020

Organization server farm or cloud supplier

 On the off chance that your boss has a VPN endpoint, similar to Cisco or Microsoft, they've probably given you the product or settings document you can run on your PC or Mac or even your cell phone or even your switch (or firewall gadget) itself to associate with things at work, in your organization server farm or cloud supplier. In any case, you can likewise set up VPNs at public endpoints utilizing membership benefits so that it's harder for your traffic to be sneaked around. VPNs are utilized intensely by clients in different nations like China so they can get to sites like Google and Facebook on the grounds that they are hindered/blue-penciled by firewalls. It is likewise used to sidestep media limitations set by administrations like Netflix, permitting clients from explicit districts to see certain substances. Thus, for instance, if a few films and shows must be seen from the UK, you can associate with a UK computer engineering career and play that content.

Working from home full-time has a unique set of challenges, such as finding the right spot for a workspace and getting all the right equipment. However, there's one aspect that's easy to overlook: Your home network's security.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

The Association for Computing Machinery

 Computer science professor Gloria Childress Townsend has been named a distinguished member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the world’s largest scientific and educational computing society. Townsend, who has taught at DePauw for 40 years, is one of only four educators recognized for outstanding educational contributions to computing. Sixty other computer scientists were recognized for their engineering and scientific contributions.

As a result of these initiatives, women typically make up a larger percentage of computer science majors at DePauw than most institutions of higher learning. According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, only 18 percent of computer science degrees awarded nationwide go to women. But in DePauw’s Class of 2017, 47% of the computer science degrees were awarded to women. In 2020, 37% of computer science graduates were women and, in 2021, 38% of prospective computer science graduates are women.

Townsend supports women in computing outside computer science engineering as well. Among other things, she proposed the association hold annual regional celebrations to support women in computing and she organized the first one in Indiana in 2004. She wrote the application and was principal investigator for a $1.2 million National Science Foundation grant to increase the number of celebrations to 16, including several outside the United States.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

On-demand delivery of IT competencies

 Cloud computing describes the on-demand delivery of IT competencies like storage, databases, servers, intelligence, analytics, networking, and others through metered services. This lets you customize, create, and configure applications either offline or online. The word ‘cloud’ refers to a network.

Previously, you could only store information locally. An on-premises data center required organizations to manage everything — procuring and virtualization, installation of an operating system, setting up network and storage for data, and maintenance.

Cloud computing dramatically altered this state of affairs by off-shoring or outsourcing computer science average salary duties to third-party services. They are not only responsible for procurement and maintenance, but they also offer a wide range of platforms and software as a service. Some cloud computing service providers include Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, VMware, DigitalOcean, RackSpace, etc.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Computer networks after combination of techniques

 The attackers planted malware in computer networks after using what FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia called “a novel combination of techniques not witnessed by us or our partners in the past.”

The sophisticated attack breached the Treasury and Commerce departments and potentially other agencies. The Commerce Department said in a statement that it asked the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the FBI to investigate.

The Department of Homeland Security is also reviewing a possible breach at the agency, spokesman Alexei Woltornist said Monday.

“Think of it like a health virus that manages to get into your body,” said Mathieu Gorge, a software engineering vs computer science expert and author of the forthcoming book “The Cyber Elephant in the Boardroom.” “Once it’s in your body, it multiplies, using all of the organs and all of the arteries and all the liquids in your body. Everything is interconnected.”

Monday, 14 December 2020

Senior Network Architect at Nielsen Global Connect

 Our Connect Technology teams are working on our new Connect platform, a unified, global, open data ecosystem powered by Microsoft Azure. Our clients around the world rely on Connect data and insights to innovate and grow.

As a Senior Network Architect, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and providing escalation support for the overall Nielsen network services, including customer-facing services. You will support the business goals, objectives, strategies, and operations of Nielsen. We are looking for an in-depth understanding of information security and engineering, implementation, and 24/7 operations and support. The role is part of a high-performing team in a fast-paced organization, requiring customer and business focus and demonstrated skills/experience associated with computer engineering career, management, and technology.

Friday, 11 December 2020

Top tech trends, a list of organizations with the most job openings

 Top tech trends, a list of organizations with the most job openings, and the "most-wanted" skills job seekers need to have to get a quick response back, according to a new report from LHH.

The state of US jobs was examined in the latest job bulletin by the outplacement company LHH, and in its analysis it found nearly 2 million (1.92 million) job openings across industries. 

LHH cited the following as the top technology trends to watch for in 2021: AI (artificial intelligence), RPA (robotic process automation), edge computing, quantum computing, virtual reality and augmented reality, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and cybersecurity.

Companies deemed the top five employers were Anthem Blue Cross, Pearson, UnitedHealth Group, General Dynamics, and what can you do with a computer science degree those in the tech field looking for a new job, getting hired is more likely if you have at least one of the following top five remote tech skills: SQL, project management, Java, software development, and Python.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

New process to engineer nanometer-sized version of coaxial cables

 Others have studied strong coupling of light and matter, but with this new process to engineer nanometer-sized version of coaxial cables, we are pushing the frontiers of ultrastrong coupling, which means we are discovering new quantum states where matter and light can have very different properties and unusual things start to happen," said Sang-Hyun Oh, a University of Minnesota professor of electrical and computer engineering and the senior author of the study. "This ultrastrong coupling of light and atomic vibrations opens up all kinds of possibilities for developing new quantum-based devices or modifying chemical reactions."

The interaction between light and matter is central to life on earth -- it allows plants to convert sunlight into energy and it allows us to see objects around us. Infrared light, with wavelengths much longer than what we can see with our eyes, interacts with the vibrations of atoms in materials. For example, when an object is heated, the atoms that make up the object start vibrating faster, giving off more infrared radiation, enabling thermal-imaging or night-vision cameras.

Conversely, the wavelengths of infrared radiation that are absorbed by materials depend on what kinds of atoms make up the materials and how they are arranged, so that chemists can use infrared absorption as a "how much does a computer engineer make" to identify different chemicals.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Intended to help enterprises predict all possible network-wide

 Veriflow Systems is another company ahead of the curve with intent-based networking. The company says its verification technology is intended to help enterprises predict all possible network-wide behavior, and mathematically verify availability and security. According to Veriflow, it is the first networking company to use this kind of technology to eliminate network outages and vulnerabilities.

Huawei is also making a bid on intent-based technology. Just this week, the company premiered its intent-driven CloudCampus at the Huawei Western Europe Partner Summit 2018 in Amsterdam. According to the company, is computer science engineering can help build a predictive, self-healing closed-loop system with added visibility for each user. It also collects network and application data from devices in real-time and on-demand, while using big data and A.I. to implement network fault analysis and proactive prediction.

Juniper is making headway within the realm of intent-based networking too. Last July, the company announced it was working on an approach to intent-based networking, which would use a SDN controller model. Then in December, Juniper unveiled Juniper Bots, which the company said marked a step toward making a self-driving network a reality. With its bots, intended business outcomes can be translated into actionable automated workflows, according to the company.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

how core security is to the business

 “In a review of the Forrester report, the number of companies that had a data breach within the last year is staggering,” Mike Weber, vice president at security consulting firm Coalfire told Dice. “However, the impact of a data breach can range from inconsequential to catastrophic. I would surmise that the vast majority of these are somewhere in between and that these were mostly not life-changing events for these organizations. This shouldn’t reduce the gravity of the report, though.”

At a time when breaches are increasing, SecOp analysts and staff feel overworked, with half of the Forrester survey respondents noting that they struggle to institute additional threat hunting programs to help supplement automated detection capabilities. This means that critical vulnerabilities or cyber threats can go undetected.

“Everybody talks about how core security is to the business. But look inside any business in the world and what you will find is a somewhat lackluster commitment to full computer science vs computer programming support,” said Brandon Hoffman, the CISO of security and cloud firm Netenrich. “The majority of issues faced by organizations could be resolved by proper funding and cultural commitment to security initiatives. Lack of proper tooling, or adoption of purchased tools, and the lack of skilled people are a direct result of the lack of commitment. It is a constant struggle though because security is a cost center from a business perspective.”

Monday, 7 December 2020

How can companies secure a hybrid workforce

 While more than half of all employees participated in a rapid transition to remote work, it’s clear that this is more than just a temporary change. According to a June survey by PwC, 83% of employees want to work from home at least once a week and 55% want to continue working remotely even after the pandemic subsides.

As companies look to cut costs, reduce turnover, and maximize growth potential, telework will play a central role in both the present and future of work.

While remote work comes with many benefits, it also presents several unique what do computer engineers do challenges. By now, the costs and consequences of a data breach or cybersecurity event are well-documented, and they threaten to undermine the benefits of this new work arrangement.

Fortunately, companies aren’t powerless in this regard. By taking steps to mitigate the most potent threats, they can minimize risk and maximize opportunity during this transformative moment.

Friday, 4 December 2020

NSWCPD Chief Engineer Hosts Virtual Technical Competency Lunch and Learn Sessions

 Much like ship maintenance is a mandatory requirement for a successful Navy, so too is ensuring that the engineers who support the fleet continue to sustain their expert-level proficiency. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) recognizes it must “Expand the Advantage” to maintain world class expertise by developing and sustaining a world class workforce through a systematic approach to assessing proficiency levels.

To fulfill this important mandate, Adam (Scott) Freedner, the Chief Engineer (CHENG) at NSWCPD, virtually hosted two Technical Competency Lunch and Learn information sessions. Held earlier this year on Sept. 10 and Sept. 17, those sessions were designed to explain NSWCPD’s Technical Competency Development Program and the importance of the program to maintaining world class expertise.

“We were looking for a way to get the word out regarding initiatives we have taken or processes our people needed to be aware of,” explained software engineering vs computer science. “We wanted to do more than just send all hands emails. The Lunch and Learn sessions also offer our people the opportunity to ask more questions.”

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Computer science contribution to other disciplines

 Both the aspects of computer engineering career Scientific and Engineering are correspondingly responsible and dependent on each other for any practical implementation or solution. If we look at the designing and construction of smartphones, the computer scientists are responsible for writing operating systems, data communication, networking, etc., whereas, computer engineers are responsible for designing and integration of chips and circuits, and other related tasks to construct together the required components for smooth functioning.

So, if we talk about contributions of computer science in other disciplines, then there are numerous domains which get advanced by computer science such as healthcare and medicine, environment, astronomy, music and art, human assistance, and various others.

The career scope and demand for both the disciplines i.e., computer science  and computer engineering are quite high. There are various job profiles that are available for a computer science  candidate, such as software developers, web developers, database administrators, etc, and if you are into computer engineering, then you can look for roles such as embedded software engineer, hardware engineer, electrical design engineer, and more.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

A cloud PBX is easily scalable and future proof

 In analog phone systems, the bandwidth, or the capacity of concurrent calls depends on the physical station and wires. If you need it larger, you need to invite a technician and buy additional hardware. With a cloud PBX, there is no such headache when a business expands and needs to increase its bandwidth. All it takes is requesting a larger bandwidth from a provider. Whatever the initial capacity of a cloud PBX is, the company is not married to it, as the system is tailored to grow along with the business.

With a cloud-based PBX, the office is where a person is located. Even if the employees are in different countries, they have all the tools for working in the same intelligible environment, as they are independent of any hardware. Even the phone is accessible via browser or as a desktop app, so it is good to go with a solid internet connection.

Cloud phone systems do not limit your options to voice calls only. They are way smarter. Modern PBX systems allow you to track your progress, analyze what can you do with a computer science degree, and help managers improve agents’ performance. Yes, some business cloud PBX systems are simply packed with extra features: routing, forwarding, listening, and recording calls, system integration, voicemail and fax to email conversion, location switching, and many more. A traditional phone system cannot compete in this field.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Importance of computer science as a field

 In the original University Science Strategy Committee report in 2018, computer science is named as one of the University’s “additional” priorities, meaning that the University supports current efforts underway and would support investment if additional resources become available. In an Oct. 13 update, computer science and data science were combined as a top priority.

“In the course of implementation [of the science priorities], the connections between computer science and data science have been emphasized,” Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tamar Gendler wrote in an email to the News.

“The information technology vs computer science pandemic demonstrates the importance of big data, computational tools, and other mathematical and technological developments in monitoring the spread and effects of disease,” University President Peter Salovey wrote in the update. “We are expanding data science and computer science in their applications, and we are advancing fundamental research underlying these areas too.”

Activities that have effectively conveyed innovation arrangements

 A Huawei answer for encouraging group of people activity focuses during the COVID-19 pandemic has won the COVID-19 Response Award at the Af...